Wednesday, December 12, 2007

D.I.E (Do It Everyday) GY Camp 2007!

Wow..that's wat i can say. I really thanked God i made it at last. I completed the task that has been assigned to me. I was assigned to do the tuck shop this year camp which i just gave a new name called "Heaven-11". Hehe..the idea comes from Egbert. But, also God was preparing me to do something else, which is to minister to someone in the camp.

I was very stressed out at the beginning because i need to earn RM2600++ in order to get a 100% profit within 4 DAYS!!! How on earth can i do tat? But God is great! He showed me nothing is impossible when i'm willing to obey Him. I just surrender Heaven-11 to God and He has never failed to surprise me in His amazing ways. All i can say is, we managed to collect 150% profit in the end. God is good huh!

I managed to minister to a girl in my group where within such a short time, God has lead me to her. We chat till 330am in the morning but I thanked God for her. When i talked to her at that time, I feel like looking at myself 7 years ago. I can feel what she feels, and understand what bothers her so much. I believe through what I have gone through God has a purpose for it.

During the camp, I get to closer to Young Adult group from PJ and Klang. They are such a wonderful and genuine people. I realized how much I missed all the fun of working together and not being judgmental of each other but rather accepting each other as who they are. They are crazy yet wonderful people to be with.

No regrets for coming to this CAMP!

*I'll post the pictures soon once i got it from Sarah Lim. hehe...

KisS Me UndeR The MistleToe