Friday, April 20, 2007

My heart was troubled about it day and night...

I'm a person who is jovial, love adventure, people and places but when it comes to thoughts, im a deep thinker. I can even think the whole process of how bacteria can get into my face if i don't change my pillow case occasionally! That's why if any of my friends came to my place to stay over, I'll change the whole bedsheet and pillow case eventhough i just changed it 2 days ago. I'm just afraid of dirt and dust because they can caused my skin to get rashes all over my body. huh....i antibacteria =.='

But, this is not the caused why i wrote this message. A few days ago, my sis sent me a link to a website about a few people was brought by Jesus to hell to see what is in hell and wanted them to tell the world. Normally, i don't like to read about all these stuff because I knew Hell is not for God's children and i want to know less about them. I'm very sure about my salvation in Christ and I'm going to Heaven no matter what people going to tell me. When i opened it, i have the urge to read the 1 paragraph and i continue reading until the end. My heart was pumping fast and suddenly i can feel the fear and unsecurity eating me up. I can't believe what I read and I can imagine in my mind what it's like in hell. It was so gruesome and unexplained pain that these people are suffering in hell. But, the thing that shock me the most is that there are christian also in hell.

One that gets my nerve is this person on earth is a christian but only thing is he never tithe! We as a Christian are commanded by God to tithe, so that the money can be used by the church to help the widow and the fatherless. Tithing is very important because God emphasized about it many times in the Bible but some of us were ignorance to it. Why? We never see the importance behind it. Some never tithe because not enough money for food. Some is because they think church does not used the money for its purpose. But what God wants to see is your heart. Heart of obedience to His commandment eventhough we may not understand fully why God want us to do so even if He owns everything in the world! When we gives eventhough it so hard to give, God sees it as love. It will not be consider love if it is not painful to give, right?

That was the one that troubled my heart day and night because I have forgotten about the importance of tithing! What if I die today, will I be in Heaven with Lord Jesus or I will be in Hell for negligence on keeping my tithing? Now, I know the answer...

God loves us just the way we are but he refuses to leave us that way. He wants us to be just like Jesus...towars perfection of His standard. We can never be 100% perfect but with God's righteousness, we can do it. All we need is a heart of obedience. God wants us to rely fully on Him, not our own mind, strength, ability, money, or knowledge.

God thank you for awaken me about how soon is Your coming and now You are preparing Your children for Your coming! We shall arise with You and caught up into Heaven in the Rapture.

The testimonies: (Read more about it here)

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