Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Why Man Love Bitches?

I'm very sinful in comprising and abandoning my blog! Oh....dear bloggie...please forgive me :(

2008 has been a year that full of thorns but yet rosey! Why I say that? Well, through every hard time that we went through, there is always positive things that we can learn from there. I can't described how "resentful" I was last year that I can't write a single post until today. You can mock me or praise me, but nothing can be better than what had happened.

I had three painful "break up" in a year! It's not that I want to be a "play girl" but being too nice can destroy a relationship. Guys like nice girl but what they truly want is the "dream girl". A girl with her own principal, love herself, love her life and have her own vision. This "dream girl" knows how to be a BITCH (Be In Total Control of Herself) when it comes to man that are chasing after her.

Ladies, don't ever dumped your commitment, friends, things that you love to do, your life for the man that you like (or should I say love?). If ever in a minute you act as his "slave", you are bringing the relationship into disaster! Let me ask these few questions:-

  1. Did u ever try to please him by do his laundry or house chores?
  2. Gets up early in the morning just to give him a wake up call?
  3. Say "yes" to everything he says?
  4. Cancel your appointment when he asked you out?
  5. Waiting every second every minute for his calls?
  6. Willing to drive late at nite to see him when he ask you to come over to his place?
  7. Willing to comprise your own principal?
  8. Giving him the "full-access" in your life?
If you say "yes", to all these questions...then you are really close to make him turns off over you!

Man is a hunter whether he is nice, naive or gentleman. Man is a man! You can change what God has made them to be. Do you ever wonder why man willing to go through all the pain when it comes to hunting? They willing to eat and sleep in the wood...for days or weeks..to hunt for the moos. Once they got their prey, they celebrate as if they are the king of the world! But imagine if you dropped a "dead moose" at their doorstep? They will have no interest to it and throw them away! "Dead moose" is a turn off!!

I may sound a bit idiotic and harsh, but this is the truth. I am writing this post wishing someone realize that they need to love themselves first, then only others can love them too. I am speaking out of experience and I hope this post will help someone out there. It takes me so much of pain before I ever realized this...

When you acted like a prize, you will turn him into a believer! - Why Men Love Bitches? by Sherry Argov

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